Annie K

When we got back to our room Denise cleared the bed and got Ray to lay down and we did, too, and she went to the thermostat and turned the room way down.

“Old Bedouin Trick,” she said as she lay down on the bed and the air conditioning blew and little sylph bodies got COLD! And she said that was going to help little overstuffed sylphs burn calories trying to stay warm and it must have worked because when it was time to go to the show I wasn’t so full it hurt to move anymore. In fact Annie and I were VERY hungry. And Denny whipped out a couple of granola bars that were soft and chewy and had chocolate chips and she and Ray let us chisel out the chips until we were ready to go sit still for a couple of hours.

And Ray said it was an honor to eat the denuded bars in our wake. And Annie said that a good scorched Earth policy was handy now and then to keep giants in line.

But no one was nude and nothing was on fire so I guess they were just being silly, which is good, really, because it’s how they play together and you know they’re in love if you’re starting to wonder if you maybe need to call for a cop, or their Mom.

Then Ray showed everyone he had the tickets and he started to pick us up but Denny put a hand on his arm and said would you guys like to meet us at the auditorium?

And Annie said that it would be great to go through the passageways get in line like real people and Ray handed each of us a ticket, which had a map on the back but mostly just said to follow the silver color.

“Argent for Auditorium?” Annie asked Ray, who shrugged and said he didn’t know but it made as much sense as anything and they put us down by the door and we went off, holding hands and giggling.

I was just excited to see a live broadcast and someone I knew was going to be on TV, but Annie was more excited to spend as much time as possible in rooms that were built for sylphs.

I sylphed before I was born, so I was never really in a tiny place except for the dollhouses and now-and-then a doll table at a restaurant, but seeing Annie smile made me smile so she could have all the nostalgia she could cram into our day.

And the line was HUGE! I have NEVER seen so many little sylph people in one spot in my entire life! I’ve been in crowds, Denny used to go to football games in college, but it doesn’t take too many humans to form a really big impressive crowd when they’re crowded around a sylph.

But HERE! Oh, good God above there were so many SYLPHS there was a crowd! Annie lifted me up a couple of times so I could see just how far away the crowd stretched, too. They were up and down the hall until there wasn’t any hall anymore!

“And they’re all here to see someone we know,” Annie said. And someone in front of us turned around and it was Tom from the bar and he ducked his head and turned away, like he didn’t want to bother us.

And Annie winked at me because she likes meeting people she knows especially if Ray wasn’t the one who introduced them.

So she tapped his shoulder and asked, “Still have beauty in your soul, assface?” and he started to get mad but Annie was smiling and then suddenly Tom burst out laughing and Annie said, “This is the Electra show! Everyone hug!” and she grabbed Tom and Tom hugged her and someone beside me hugged me and I hugged them and I hugged Tom and we went in together and handed in our tickets.

And Tom was in, like, Row 67 and Annie said that sucked and asked him to come with us and there’s a pathway along the front of the human seats. We walked with him to where Ray and Denise sat, which was behind Sylph Row 100, but up higher so we had a clearer view, and Annie said ‘This is Tom and can he sit with us’ and she said please and Denny asked, ‘Is Tom cool?’ and I said, ‘Yes, ma’am,’ and they said he was welcome and we all sat on the top of the carrier and the show started.


126. Electra I

128. Annie L